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BCS Itera

Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

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Address Autocomplete

Address Autocomplete solution in Business Central enables the following:


To use the solution, Address Search Setup must be opened and enabled.

Field Explanation
Remove District from City Info Removes estonian District from City Info (for example “Kesklinna linnaosa”).
Service Type Select the service (Maa-amet or Google) to be used for address autocomplete.

- Maa-Amet gazetteer service is free of charge and can search for addresses in Estonia.
- Google maps can search for addresses globally and it’s place autocomplete API pricing can be found here.

Note! Service type can only be changed when solution is not enabled.
Search Result Count Specifies the number of address suggestions returned. Default and recommended value is 5.

Note! Value is editable only for Maa-amet service.
API-Key Specifies the Google Places API key.
This key can be obtained from Google after registering to use the service.
Please makse sure that Places API is enabled for Your Google Cloud project.
Please makse sure to enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project
Language Specifies language for Google address search results.
For english enter “en” or for estonian enter “et”.
Full list of available languages.

Note! This applies only to search results - meaning address fields shall be filled with untranslated info.

Address search and autocomplete is supported on following pages:

For more information please contact BCS Itera AS: